Monday, May 16, 2005

What happens when I make a Mistake?

What are the consequences that I face when I make a mistake? What happens when I learn about a situation and take action without thinking about what may happen? The bottom line is that I get into trouble. Now, generally speaking, sixteen people don't die when I make mistakes. My mistakes cause money not lives and for that I am thankful. But what would happen if my mistakes came at the price of a single life? Either knowingly or unknowingly if my actions caused someone to be killed I would be in deep trouble. So why is it that Newsweek gets off with just apologizing for fanning the flames of hate against the US of A and helping 16 people meet their maker?

Perhaps it is because Newsweek is not about news. It is about an agenda. Everyone has a preferences and opinions and that is ok. But when you allow your reporting to become clouded by unchecked rumors that leads to the death of innocent people, a simply "oops" just doesn't cut it. A serious publication who was interested in the truth would have checked the facts before printing lies. Are they too stupid to not think that there would be huge outpouring of violence and hate from the Muslim world if we had desecrated the Koran? I don't think so. I think the agenda 'cone of silence' was over the ears, eyes and mouths that day in the newsroom.

How should Newsweek be punished for their mistakes? Should some of their 'reporters' loose their press credentials? Nothing is going to reverse the damage they have done. Last time I checked, a left-wing pseudo-news rag couldn't raise people from the dead nor can they undo the political damage done to the US and its allies who are fighting for the very freedoms that protects Newsweek's freedoms to print the garbage they produce.

I won't ever be purchasing Newsweek again. Period. Done. End of story.... Not that I have ever purchased it. Nobody should by their magazine. In fact, in the pursuit of truth, we should make every effort to make things tough for Newsweek. If you see the magazine at the your Doctor's Office -- hide it. If you really know your Doctor well, ask him to cancel the subscription. If you get any of those postage pre-paid "send us this reply card and we'll discount your subscription" pieces of junk mail, firmly attach it to a brick or some other heavy object and attach a note similar to this:

Dear Sirs:

When you can bring back the 16 dead folks your reporting killed, I will subscribe at full cover price until the end of my life.

I don't think they will ever get it, but if we rollover we are as guilty as Newsweek.


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