Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Red v. Blue

Now more than ever it is time to stand firm. It is time to tell those who represent us, the majority of Americans that we have their backs. We elected them to represent our values, our traditions, and most importantly, the truth. It is time to be partisan. It is time to act. It is time to stop acting like republicans and start acting like REPUBLICANS.

Senator Frist had tried many avenues to avoid a full-frontal confrontation. We need to encourage the leadership to adopt the same policy that Reagan had with respect to terrorists: We don't negotiate. It is time to walk with a Texas swagger. It is time to walk softly and not just carry a big stick but use the darn thing when needed. Today, our big stick is needed.

It is time to call the question, it is time to end debate. It is time to change the interpretation of the rules of the Senate. In short, get it done. I could care less what Old Kennedy, Sheets Byrd, or Reid think or say. They are nothing more than political hacks who need to be put out to pasture.


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